
Boot and Quit

Register Movie

Play and Stop


Hide Icons


Task Tray



Known Bugs



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  • Something wrong with my Desktop after or while using Irwin.
        Please restart explorer by Windows Task Manager. 
    If you do not know how to do it, please Log-Off and Log-On again.
      Restart Explorer 
    1. Press Ctrl+Shift+ESC, and Windows Task Manager opens.
    2. Select "explorer.exe" in "Process" and Press "End Process."
    3. Select "Create New Task" in Menu "File," Input "explorer" and Press "OK."
  • Movies become invisible when playing again after stopping or quitting.
        Please try above.
  • Desktop does not response while playing. Movies go invisible when using Show Desktop.
        Please try above.
  • My Desktop become black after quiting.
        Your Desktop Wallpaper is changed. Please set it again by yourself.
  • Next movie does not start automatically.
        Enable Desktop Window Manager.
    Start Desktop Window Manager 
  1. Press Win+R. 
  2. Input "services.msc" and Press "OK."
  3. Select "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager" and start it.
  • My movie files does not play.
        Irwin can play only AVI,MPEG or WMV files. If your movies are in those kinds, Desktop Window Manager may be disabled. Please try above.
  • Main Window disappears when minimizing.
        According to the settings, the destination of Minimization will be not the Task Bar but the Task Tray. Left Click the Task Tray Icon to show it.
  • Pause doesn't work to Dailymotion.
        It works only to YouTube or Video files.

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